Instantly generate a valuation for your
intellectual property

Growth companies should have the opportunity to understand their worth

Sollomon® allows you to value your IP online at a fraction of the cost of traditional IP valuations

Sollomon can be completed in as little as 30 minutes using a Goldseam® profile

Price: £795+VAT
Value your Intellectual property for IP finance or investment with Sollomon - Inngots unique IP valuation tool

Unlock the value of your IP in minutes with Sollomon®

Sollomon is easy to use, fast, cost-effective and instantly demonstrates how your IP contributes to your success

Developed and refined to support business financing, Sollomon is regularly recommended and specified by lenders, investors and business support organisations.

Fully integrated with Inngot's FREE Goldseam intellectual asset discovery platform, Sollomon is easy and intuitive for any trading business to use.

To get a full IP valuation it only requires standard business plan and financial inputs.

Sollomon screen Inngot - Value your intellectual property for IP finance

Since 2009, over

$1.4 billion

IP value found

Sollomon averages

$4.2 million

‘hidden’ IP value per company

Manage your IP icon
Cost-effective IP valuation with Solomon toolkit Inngot

Quick and cost-effective IP valuation for all businesses

Fully integrated with Inngot's free Goldseam intellectual asset discovery platform

Sollomon is easy and intuitive for any trading business to use, requiring only standard business plan and financial inputs. If you're not yet trading, or don't have these inputs, our custom valuation service can help.

All Sollomon reports are delivered instantly, with all valuations moderated offline by Inngot experts to ensure your valuation fully represents all of your IP and intangibles.

Uncover your IP’s financial potential

Successful companies leverage their IP for growth

Without Sollomon, growth companies and scale-ups don’t have the opportunity to understand their worth as IP valuations are too expensive and time-consuming.

Sollomon means that any trading business can value its IP regardless of size, from SMEs to corporations.

Uncover the hidden value of your IP with Sollomon.

Intellectual property financial potential team using Sollomon
Inngot online IP toolkit

Recommended by lenders and advisors

Inngot’s Sollomon® valuation reports are used by banks and lenders as validation of IP value in the lending process

Our dedicated experts have 100+ years of combined experience, with expertise in business support, IP management, protection, and commercialisation gained from scaling and advising IP-rich businesses and academia.

We advise governments and NGOs on supporting IP-backed financing, and have worked with the UK IPO, WIPO, the British Business Bank, Innovate UK, EUIPO, IPOS International (Singapore) and the OECD among others.

Unlock the value in your IP!

How can a Sollomon report help you?

Raise finance using IP as security or to support discussions regarding equity investment

Inform negotiations for selling, buying, licensing of IP and intangibles

Estimate the financial implications of transferring assets between companies

Assist mergers and acquisitions as well as exit planning

Inform stakeholder discussions on return on investment in IP

Grounded in international valuation standards

Income and cost-based valuations provide the most accurate and indicative value for your IP and intangibles

Sollomon is calibrated using the results of research into specialist licensing databases, to give you the most representative result.

The three valuation models Sollomon utilises are:

Income based model

Sollomon generates three income-based calculations which utilise the relief from royalty valuation method. The report includes a risk-weighted analysis of your own forecasts, an estimate based on average growth rates within your sector and a Downside Disposal Estimate

Cost amortisation model

Sollomon works out the net present value of your investments relative to the useful life of the relevant assets, plus a best and worst case scenario looking forward two years

Market comparison model

Sollomon sets out the average pre-money IP value in your company’s sub-sector (available in selected markets)


Output in 100+ currencies

Sollomon is a unique and secure multi-currency IP valuation tool that is already optimised for use around the world

Sollomon is optimised for use in 13 countries and available to output in 100+ currencies.

Contact us if you want to conduct a valuation but are based in a country not listed - we can help.

Use your IP and intangibles for growth

Uncover the IP and intangible assets that really make your business tick, value them and use them to grow

Use your IP for growth

Raise IP based finance using IP assets as collateral

Clearly demonstrate business value and the opportunity to investors

Obtain a true and accurate value when selling IP

Allocate resources effectively to develop existing and new IP

Generate additional revenue and increase profitability when licencing IP

Increase the value of the business for sale

Identify new opportunities and capitalise on new revenue streams

Access grants and business support by demonstrating IP value

Strategically manage IP for sustainability, innovation and growth

Identify risks and opportunities for better IP protection

Gain a commercial strategic advantage over the competition

Get started on your IP journey

Register on our online platform or get in touch to speak to an expert

Use our toolkit to identify and then value your IP and intangible assets

Our experts check, validate and finalise your IP reports and valuations

Use your verified reports to leverage and manage your IP